Monday, July 3, 2017

How to Get to Know Kayleigh DeBruyne: A Checklist

My post this week is a tad late because I was fittingly distracted doing the things I love (see #1, #2, #5, #6 and #7). This left me with much inspiration for writing this post, but also at a loss for how to convey it. I’ve decided to present you with a quick list of things to do to get to know me. This allows me to share my interests with you while also perhaps being a helpful resource for the people in the area I hope to cross paths with this summer. So, without further ado, I present to you How to Get to Know Kayleigh DeBruyne: A Checklist. 

Dangerous Mission

We were trudging through five feet of tall grass. The soil was sinking beneath our weight. The land topography was anything but even, unexpected drops and rises caused us to panic and yell out to the other to be careful. Using our d-nets as make shift machetes we cut a path through the dense grass. Our destination, a part of the Wilson Creek. Science was about to take place.