Monday, July 17, 2017

The Study of Humans

Humans are complicated creatures and that is why I hardly interact with them. I can understand plants and animals interacting with the environment. I can even understand the relationship between humans and the environment. But when it comes to studying human nature and behavior, it all goes over my head.  

The anthropology team invited the geography team to Wilson and Annis Creek Watershed Partnership Stakeholder Meeting last week. It was very informative. Although I enjoy my work, it was nice to get out of the cold wet creek for a couple of hours. I learned in a lot more detail of what the process of creek restoration looked like from Lindsey. There were some farmers and landowners at the meeting who gave their perspectives on navigating working/living off the land and fulfilling government regulations.  It gave me another way of looking at the creeks in which I work in that I did not have before.

Aside from this, the anthropology team made me more aware of how I can grasp and find more meaning in conversations. Amber explained to me how she analyzes the meeting. She notes what questions are asked and who answer the questions that participants pose. Innisfree, the geography mentor, is also has an interest in human beings. She jots down the stories that people share.

Going out with the anthropology team, it taught me another way of looking at human interaction and communication. I look forward to working or joining the anthropology team in other meetings that they go to. 

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