Thursday, June 25, 2015

I wanted this to be a witty title, but I don't know how to be witty

What are you learning this summer? Since, accepting this internship I have been asked this question about a good twenty times. Two weeks ago, I would have said, "I will be studying farmer social networks and seeing how that influences their sustainable farming practices." Now, I can tell you that I will learn a variety of skills such as how to create a survey, how to interview people, how social networks work, how to run statistical analyses, farming, and lastly about the community. So, what do I want to learn about? I want to learn more about how research is conducted and I also want learn how to communicate more effectively. I plan on engaging myself thoroughly in the project and taking every opportunity to learn and enhance skills already builded upon. I know that research is a trial and error process, but I am excited to experience every aspect that encompasses the long and tedious journey of a researcher.

P. S. The picture is courtesy of the wonderful cooking at the waterfront bar and grill

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